Create an unbound text box or other control
- Open a form in Design view, a report in Design view, or a data access page in Design view.
- If you want to use a wizard to help you create the control, make sure the Control Wizards tool
in the toolbox is pressed in.
- On forms and reports, you can use wizards to create command buttons, list boxes, subforms, combo boxes, and option groups. On data access pages, you can use wizards to create command buttons, list boxes, and drop-down list boxes.
- Wizards are not available in a stand-alone data access page, or when you point a data access page to a database other than the one currently open. In this case, you will have to create the control without using a wizard.
- In the toolbox, click the tool for the control you want to create.
- In the form, report, or data access page, click the place where you want the upper-left corner of the control to be.
- If you click and release the mouse button, Microsoft Access creates a default-sized control. To create a control of a particular size, click the mouse button and then drag until the control is the size you want.
- If you want to create several controls of the same type, you can double-click the appropriate tool in the toolbox to lock it down.