Display instructions for a text box or other control in the status bar of a form or report

Display instructions for a text box or other control in the status bar of a form or report

  1. Open a form in Design view or a report in Design view.

  2. Make sure that the control is selected, and then click Properties on the toolbar to open its property sheet.

  3. In the StatusBarText property box, type the message that you want to display for the control.

    You can enter up to 255 characters, but Microsoft Access can only display as much text as will fit in the status bar. The amount of text that can be displayed varies according to the font you use and whether you resize the Access window.

Tip   You can create a tip that pops up when you move the pointer over a control. For more information, click . You can also create custom Help files and What's This tips. For more information, click .