Extract part of existing text values using a calculated field

Extract part of existing text values using a calculated field

  1. In query Design view, create a query. Add the tables whose records you want to use.

  2. To find values in part of a field, use the Left, Right, or Mid function in an expression in an empty cell in the Field row in the query design grid.

    The syntax for these functions is:


    The stringexpr argument can be either a field name (enclosed in brackets) or a text expression; n is the number of characters you want to extract; start is the position of the first character you want to extract.

    The following table shows examples of these functions.

    If the value in
    Part ID is

    This expression

    BA-7893-R12 Left([PartID],2) BA
    BA-7893-R12 Right([PartID],3) R12
    BA-7893-R12 Mid([PartID],4,4) 7893
  3. Add any other fields you want to include in the query to the query design grid.