Edit a bound picture or other object on a form

Edit a bound picture or other object on a form

  1. Open the form in Form view (or open a datasheet).

  2. Go to the record that contains the object you want to edit.

  3. Double-click the object.

    Microsoft Access opens the application that was used to create the object (the OLE server application) if it's available. The application may open in a separate window or you may be able to edit the object in place.

    Note   When you double-click a sound or video object, Microsoft Access plays the object. To open these types of objects for editing, click the object and then click the appropriate Object command on the Edit menu. For example, point to the Media Clip Object command, and then click the Open or Edit command on the submenu.

  4. Make the changes that you want, and then do one of the following:
