Refer to an object or its properties in expressions

Refer to an object or its properties in expressions

You use an identifier in an expression to refer to an object or its properties. For example, you can refer to an open form, an open report, a control on an open form or report, or any properties of the form, report, or control. The following identifier refers to the Visible property of a control:


The full identifier for an object or property shows the relationship between items in the identifier. In this identifier:

It's often a good idea to refer to an object or property using its full identifier. In some cases, a full identifier is required. For example, to refer to a control on a form or report that isn't the current form or report, you must type its full identifier. The following expression displays the sum of the values in the Subtotal and Freight controls on the Orders form in a control on a different form:

= Forms![Orders]![Subtotal] + Forms![Orders]![Freight]

However, in some circumstances you can refer to a control or its properties without specifying a full identifier:


For information on using the ! and . (dot) operators in expressions, click .

For more information on referring to a form, report, subform, or subreport in an expression, click .

For more information on referring to the value of a control or property in an expression, click .