Make a command button on a form a Cancel button

Make a command button on a form a Cancel button

  1. Open a form in Design view.

  2. Click the command button, and then click Properties on the toolbar to open the command button's property sheet.

  3. In the Cancel property box, click Yes.

When a command button's Cancel property is set to Yes and the form is the active form, you can choose the command button by clicking it, pressing the ESC key, or pressing ENTER when the command button has the focus. When the Cancel property is set to Yes for one command button, it's automatically set to No for all other command buttons on the form. Only one button can be the default on a form.

To have a Cancel button cancel all the actions that have taken place in a form or dialog box, you need to write a macro or event procedure and attach it to the OnClick property of the button.

Tip   For a form that allows irreversible operations, such as deletions, it's a good idea to make the Cancel button the default command button. To do this, set both the Cancel property and the Default property to Yes.