Navigate between controls, records, and form pages by using a macro

Navigate between controls, records, and form pages by using a macro

  1. Create a macro.


  2. Do one of the following:

    To move the focus to a specific control or field in the current record, click GoToControl in the action list of a blank action row, and then set the Control Name argument to the name of the control to which you want to move.

    To make a specific record the current record, click GoToRecord in the action list of a blank action row, and then set the arguments.

    To move the focus in the active form to the first control on a specific form page, click GoToPage in the action list of a blank action row, and then set the arguments.

  3. Click Save to save the macro.

  4. Run the macro.


For more information about the GoToControl action, click .

For more information about the GoToRecord action, click .

For more information about the GoToPage action, click .