Rebuild a workgroup information file from user and group names and IDs

Rebuild a workgroup information file from user and group names and IDs

If a workgroup information file becomes damaged or has been deleted, and a backup copy isn't available, you can re-create the workgroup information file if you have the exact, case-sensitive information that you used to create the file and define the accounts and groups in the file originally.

  1. Create a new workgroup information file, making sure to enter the exact, case-sensitive name, company name, and workgroup ID that you used to create the original file. Failure to re-enter the exact entries used to create the original file will create an invalid Admins group.


  2. Re-create any group accounts, making sure to enter the exact, case-sensitive group name and personal ID (PID) for each group.


  3. Re-create each user account, making sure to enter the exact, case-sensitive user name and PID for each user.


  4. If you saved the new workgroup information file to a new name or location in step 1, tell other users in the workgroup to use the Workgroup Administrator to join the new workgroup information file.