Secure a database without requiring users to log on

Secure a database without requiring users to log on

  1. Secure your database by using the User-Level Security Wizard.


  2. For each table, query, form, report, and macro you want to be available to users, grant the appropriate permissions to the Admin user account.


  3. Turn off the Logon dialog box.


When users start Microsoft Access and open a database without logging on, Microsoft Access automatically logs them on under the Admin user account. As a result, they will have only the permissions granted in step 2. This works for any workgroup, because the Admin account is the same in every workgroup information file. Only the administrator user account and any other members of the Admins group of the workgroup information file that was current when you ran the wizard in step 1 will have full permissions on your database's tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros.

To perform administrative functions, you can either reactivate the logon procedure and log on as a member of the Admins group, or you can use the /pwd and /user command-line options to specify your password and user name when starting Microsoft Access.