Sort records in a report

Sort records in a report

You can sort on up to 10 fields or expressions in a report.

  1. Open the report in Design view.

  2. Click Sorting And Grouping on the toolbar to display the Sorting And Grouping box.

  3. In the first row of the Field/Expression column, select a field name, or type an expression.

    The field or expression in the first row is the first sorting level (the largest set). The second row is the second sorting level, and so on.

    When you fill in the Field/Expression column, Microsoft Access sets the Sort Order to Ascending. Ascending order sorts from A to Z or 0 to 9.

  4. To change the sort order, select Descending from the Sort Order list. Descending order sorts from Z to A or 9 to 0.

Note   The Customer Labels report in the Northwind sample database sorts records by the values in three fields. To view this report, open the Northwind database in the Samples subfolder of your Office folder, and then open the Customer Labels report in Design view. For information on opening Northwind, click .