Use custom colors from another application in a form or report

Use custom colors from another application in a form or report

When you want to display graphics in the colors available in the application used to create them, you can specify a custom palette for a form or report. The custom palette replaces the Microsoft Access default palette only for that form or report.

  1. Open a form in Design view or a report in Design view.

  2. Double-click the form selector or the report selector to open the property sheet.

  3. In the PaletteSource property box, type the path and file name of one of the following types of files:

Note   To display pictures and charts in their original colors, the display driver currently loaded in your system must support the palette you specify in the PaletteSource property box. For example, if you specify C:\Windows\256Color.bmp, the currently loaded display driver must support 256 colors.