Print information about security users and groups

Print information about security users and groups

  1. Start Microsoft Access by using the workgroup information file whose security information you want to print.

    You can find out which workgroup information file is current, or change workgroups by using the Workgroup Administrator.

  2. Open a database.

  3. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click User And Group Accounts.

  4. On the Users tab, click Print Users And Groups.

  5. In the Print Security dialog box, click Only Users to print a report showing all users defined for the current workgroup, or Only Groups to print a report showing all groups defined for the current workgroup. Click Both Users And Groups to print both user and group account information.

  6. Click OK.

Note   If you are using a workgroup information file created with Microsoft Access version 2.0, you must be logged on as a member of the Admins group to print user and group information. If the workgroup information file was created with Microsoft Access version 7.0 or later, all users in the workgroup can print user and group information.