Combo Box Control Properties

See Also        

The following list identifies the properties you can set for a combo box control. Those properties that apply only when the control is on a form are followed by (forms) for "Forms Only."

Click any name below to display additional information about that property, such as other restrictions concerning when the property is available, and whether you can set it in the property sheet, in a macro, or by using Visual Basic.


AddColon Enabled (forms)
AfterUpdate (forms) FontItalic
AllowAutoCorrect FontName
AutoExpand FontSize
AutoLabel FontUnderline
BackColor FontWeight
BackStyle ForeColor
BeforeUpdate (forms) Format
BorderColor Height
BorderStyle HelpContextID (forms)
BorderWidth InputMask
BoundColumn InSelection (forms)
Column IsHyperlink
ColumnCount ItemData
ColumnHeads LabelAlign
ColumnWidths LabelX
ControlSource LabelY
ControlTipText (forms) Left
ControlType LimitToList
DecimalPlaces ListRows
DefaultValue (forms) ListWidth
DisplayWhen (forms) Locked (forms)


Name RowSource
OnChange (forms) RowSourceType
OnClick (forms) ShortcutMenuBar
OnDblClick (forms) SpecialEffect
OnEnter (forms) StatusBarText (forms)
OnExit (forms) TabIndex (forms)
OnGotFocus (forms) TabStop (forms)
OnKeyDown (forms) Tag
OnKeyPress (forms) TextAlign
OnKeyUp (forms) Top
OnLostFocus (forms) ValidationRule (forms)
OnMouseDown (forms) ValidationText (forms)
OnMouseMove (forms) Visible
OnMouseUp (forms) Width
OnNotInList (forms)