Field Properties Reference

See Also        

Each field has property settings that you can change to alter the way the field looks and behaves. The properties available for a field are dependent on the field data type.

For more information on a field property, click a property name below.

AllowZeroLength FrozenColumns
BorderColor IgnoreNulls
BorderStyle Indexed
BorderWidth InputMask
BoundColumn LimitToList
Caption ListRows
ColumnCount ListWidth
ColumnHeads NewValues
ColumnHidden Primary
ColumnOrder PrtDevModes
ColumnWidth PrtDevNames
ColumnWidths PrtMip
DatasheetCellsEffect Required
DatasheetGridlinesBehavior RowSource
DataType RowSourceType
DecimalPlaces SelHeight
DefaultValue SelTop
Description SortOrder
DisplayControl SpecialEffect
FieldName Unique
FieldSize ValidationRule
ForeColor ValidationText