Find, ReplaceLine Methods Example
The following function finds a specified string in a module and replaces the line that contains that string with a new specified line.
Function FindAndReplace(strModuleName As String, _
strSearchText As String, _
strNewText As String) As Boolean
Dim mdl As Module
Dim lngSLine As Long, lngSCol As Long
Dim lngELine As Long, lngECol As Long
Dim strLine As String, strNewLine As String
Dim intChr As Integer, intBefore As Integer, _
intAfter As Integer
Dim strLeft As String, strRight As String
' Open module.
DoCmd.OpenModule strModuleName
' Return reference to Module object.
Set mdl = Modules(strModuleName)
' Search for string.
If mdl.Find(strSearchText, lngSLine, lngSCol, lngELine, _
lngECol) Then
' Store text of line containing string.
strLine = mdl.Lines(lngSLine, Abs(lngELine - lngSLine) + 1)
' Determine length of line.
intChr = Len(strLine)
' Determine number of characters preceding search text.
intBefore = lngSCol - 1
' Determine number of characters following search text.
intAfter = intChr - CInt(lngECol - 1)
' Store characters to left of search text.
strLeft = Left$(strLine, intBefore)
' Store characters to right of search text.
strRight = Right$(strLine, intAfter)
' Construct string with replacement text.
strNewLine = strLeft & strNewText & strRight
' Replace original line.
mdl.ReplaceLine lngSLine, strNewLine
FindAndReplace = True
MsgBox "Text not found."
FindAndReplace = False
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
FindAndReplace = False
Resume Exit_FindAndReplace
End Function