PSet Method Example

The following example uses the PSet method to draw a line through the horizontal axis of a report.

To try this example in Microsoft Access, create a new report. Set the OnPrint property of the Detail section to [Event Procedure]. Enter the following code in the report's module, then switch to Print Preview.

Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
    Dim sngMidPt As Single, intI As Integer
    ' Set scale to pixels.
    Me.ScaleMode = 3
    ' Calculate midpoint.
    sngMidPt = Me.ScaleHeight / 2
    ' Loop to draw line down horizontal axis pixel by pixel.
    For intI = 1 To Me.ScaleWidth
        Me.PSet(intI, sngMidPt)
    Next intI
End Sub

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