PrintSnapshot Method

PrintSnapshot Method

                  Applies To

The PrintSnapshot method is used to print the current snapshot file.


object.PrintSnapshot([ShowPrintDialog As Boolean])

The PrintSnapshot method has the following arguments.

Argument Description
object An object representing a Snapshot Viewer control.
ShowPrintDialog (Optional) A Boolean value specifying whether to show the Print dialog box. The default value is True.


If you do not specify the optional ShowPrintDialog argument, then the Print dialog box is displayed. If the user clicks the Cancel button in the Print dialog box, an error (2504) occurs. If you use the PrintSnapshot method without having a snapshot file displayed in the control, an error (2502) occurs. You can use the SnapshotPath and ReadyState properties to make sure a valid snapshot is displayed in the control.

You can print one or more pages in a snapshot file by specifying the pages to print in the Print dialog box.

The PrintSnapshot method displays an hourglass while printing the snapshot file.