DataAccessPage Object

DataAccessPage Object

See Also         Example         Properties         Methods        

Application object
DataAccessPages collection (DataAccessPage object)
DataAccessPage object

A DataAccessPage object refers to a particular Microsoft Access data access page.


A DataAccessPage object is a member of the DataAccessPages collection, which is a collection of all currently open data access pages. Within the DataAccessPages collection, individual data access pages are indexed beginning with zero. You can refer to an individual DataAccessPage object in the DataAccessPages collection either by referring to the data access page by name, or by referring to its index within the collection. If you want to refer to a specific data access page in the DataAccessPages collection, it's better to refer to the data access page by name because a data access page's collection index may change. If the data access name includes a space, the name must be surrounded by brackets ([ ]).

Syntax Example
DataAccessPages!pagename DataAccessPages!SalePage
DataAccessPages![page name] DataAccessPages![Sale Page]
DataAccessPages("pagename") DataAccessPages("Sale Page")
DataAccessPages(index) DataAccessPages(0)