CodeContextObject Property Example
In the following example the CodeContextObject property is used in a function to identify the name of the object in which an error occurred. The object name is then used in the message box title as well as in the body of the error message. The Error statement is used in the command button's click event to generate the error for this example.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Command1_Err
Error 11 ' Generate divide-by-zero error.
Exit Sub
If ErrorMessage("Command1_Click() Event", vbYesNo + _
vbInformation, Err) = vbYes Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Function ErrorMessage(strText As String, intType As Integer, _
intErrVal As Integer) As Integer
Dim objCurrent As Object
Dim strMsgboxTitle As String
Set objCurrent = CodeContextObject
strMsgboxTitle = "Error in " & objCurrent.Name
strText = strText & "Error #" & intErrVal _
& " occured in " & objCurrent.Name
ErrorMessage = MsgBox(strText, intType, strMsgboxTitle)
Err = 0
End Function