The following example uses the CommandBars property of the Application object to manipulate various properties and methods of the CommandBars collection object. To try this example, paste the following code into the Declarations section of a standard module. Create a reference to the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library by using the References dialog box, available by clicking References on the Tools menu. Then click anywhere inside the GetCommandBarInfo procedure and press F5 to run it.
Sub GetCommandBarInfo()
Dim strCBBarName As String
strCBBarName = InputBox("Enter the name of a command bar", "Get CommandBar Information", "Menu Bar")
If Len(strCBBarName) > 0 Then
CommandBarInfo strCBBarName
End If
End Sub
Sub CommandBarInfo(strCBBarName As String)
Dim cbr As CommandBar
On Error Resume Next
Set cbr = CommandBars(strCBBarName)
If Err = 0 then
With cbr
MsgBox "The command bar named '" & .Name & "' contains " & _
.Controls.Count & IIf(.Controls.Count = 1, " control and ", _
" controls and ") & IIf(.BuiltIn, "is", "is not") & _
" a built-in toolbar", vbOKOnly, "'" & _
.Name & "' Information:"
End With
MsgBox "Invalid CommandBar Name"
End If
End Sub