Error Property

Error Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

You can use the Error property to determine if an error occurred while loading or printing a snapshot.


The Error property setting is a Long value representing the error that occurred while trying to load a snapshot file.

This property is available only by using Visual Basic and is read-only.


When you finish loading a snapshot, you can check this property to determine if any errors occurred. If the Error property is 0, then no error occurred.

The following table contains a description of the errors that may occur while opening a snapshot file.

Error Description
2500 Invalid value.
2501 Invalid page.
2502 Missing or invalid snapshot file.
2503 Property is read-only.
2504 Operation canceled by user.
2505 You need a newer version of the Snapshot Viewer control to view this snapshot file.
2506 An error occurred while printing.
2507 An error occurred while opening a snapshot file.
2508 Out of memory.
2509 An error occurred writing to a temporary file while opening a snapshot file.
2510 You have no printer installed, or no printer has been selected as the default.