Event Properties and Objects They Apply To

See Also        

Event Property Applies To
AfterDelConfirm Forms.
AfterInsert Forms.
AfterUpdate* Forms. Controls (bound object frame, check box, combo box, list box, option button, option group, text box, toggle button) on a form.
BeforeDelConfirm Forms.
BeforeInsert Forms.
BeforeUpdate* Forms. Controls (bound object frame, check box, combo box, list box, option button, option group, text box, toggle button) on a form.
OnActivate Forms and reports.
OnApplyFilter Forms.
OnChange Controls (combo box, tab, text box) on a form.
OnClick* Forms. Form sections. Controls (bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, image, label, list box, option button, option group, rectangle, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnClose Forms and reports.
OnCurrent Forms.
OnDblClick* Forms. Form sections. Controls (bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, image, label, list box, option button, option group, rectangle, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnDeactivate Forms and reports.
OnDelete Forms.
OnDirty Forms
OnEnter* Controls (ActiveX, bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, option group, subform/subreport, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnError Forms and reports.
OnExit* Controls (ActiveX, bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, option group, subform/subreport, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnFilter Forms.
OnFormat Report sections.
OnGotFocus Forms. Controls (ActiveX, bound object frame, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnKeyDown Forms. Controls (bound object frame, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnKeyPress Forms. Controls (bound object frame, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnKeyUp Forms. Controls (bound object frame, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnLoad Forms.
OnLostFocus Forms. Controls (ActiveX, bound object frame, check box, combo box, command button, list box, option button, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnMouseDown Forms. Form sections. Controls (bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, image, label, list box, option button, option group, rectangle, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnMouseMove Forms. Form sections. Controls (bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, image, label, list box, option button, option group, rectangle, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnMouseUp Forms. Form sections. Controls (bound object frame, chart, check box, combo box, command button, label, list box, option button, option group, rectangle, tab, text box, toggle button, unbound object frame) on a form.
OnNoData Reports.
OnNotInList Controls (combo box) on a form.
OnOpen Forms and reports.
OnPage Reports.
OnPrint Report sections.
OnResize Forms.
OnRetreat Report sections.
OnTimer Forms.
OnUnload Forms.
OnUpdated Controls (ActiveX, bound object frame, unbound object frame) on a form.

* These properties don't apply to check boxes, option buttons, or toggle buttons in an option group. They apply only to the option group itself.