Format Property Example

The following three examples set the Format property by using a predefined format:

Me!Date.Format = "Medium Date"
Me!Time.Format = "Long Time"
Me!Registered.Format = "Yes/No"

The next example sets the Format property by using a custom format. This format displays a date as: Jan 1995.

Forms!Employees!HireDate.Format = "mmm yyyy"

The following example demonstrates a Visual Basic function that formats numeric data by using the Currency format and formats text data entirely in capital letters. The function is called from the OnLostFocus event of an unbound control named TaxRefund.

Function FormatValue() As Integer
    Dim varEnteredValue As Variant

    varEnteredValue = Forms!Survey!TaxRefund.Value
    If IsNumeric(varEnteredValue) = True Then
        Forms!Survey!TaxRefund.Format = "Currency"
        Forms!Survey!TaxRefund.Format = ">"
    End If
End Function