Parent Property (Microsoft Access)

Parent Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

You can use the Parent property to refer to the parent of a control, section, or control that contains other controls. The Parent property returns a control object if the parent is a control; it returns a AccessObject object if the parent is an Microsoft Access object.


The Parent property refers to a AccessObject object or control object and is read-only in all views.


You can use the Parent property to determine which form or report is currently the parent when you have a subform or subreport that has been inserted in multiple forms or reports.

For example, you might insert an OrderDetails subform into both a form and a report. The following example uses the Parent property to refer to the OrderID field, which is present on the main form and report. You can enter this expression in a bound control on the subform.


The Parent property of a label control is the control the label is linked to. The Parent property for a check box, option button, or toggle button in an option group is the name of the option group control. The Parent property of an option group control is the name of the form.