PreviousControl Property Example

The following example displays a message if the control that last received the focus wasn't the txtFinalEntry text box.

Function ProcessData() As Integer
    Dim ctlPrevious As Control
    ' No previous control error.
    Const conNoPreviousControl = 2483
    On Error GoTo Process_Err
    Set ctlPrevious = Screen.PreviousControl
    If ctlPrevious.Name = "txtFinalEntry" Then
        ' Process Data Here.
        ProcessData = True
        ' Set focus to txtFinalEntry and display message.
        MsgBox "Please enter a value here."
        ProcessData = False
    End If
    Exit Function
    If Err = conNoPreviousControl Then
        MsgBox "Please enter a value to process."
        ProcessData = False
    End If
    Resume Process_Bye
End Function

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