The following PrtMip property example demonstrates how to set up the report with two horizontal columns.
Type str_PRTMIP
strRGB As String * 28
End Type
Type type_PRTMIP
xLeftMargin As Long
yTopMargin As Long
xRightMargin As Long
yBotMargin As Long
fDataOnly As Long
xWidth As Long
yHeight As Long
fDefaultSize As Long
cxColumns As Long
yColumnSpacing As Long
xRowSpacing As Long
rItemLayout As Long
fFastPrint As Long
fDatasheet As Long
End Type
Sub PrtMipCols(strName As String)
Dim PrtMipString As str_PRTMIP
Dim PM As type_PRTMIP
Dim rpt As Report
DoCmd.OpenReport strName, acDesign
Set rpt = Reports(strName)
PrtMipString.strRGB = rpt.PrtMip
LSet PM = PrtMipString
' Create two columns.
PM.intColumns = 2
' Set 0.25 inch between rows.
PM.intRowSpacing = 0.25 * 1440
' Set 0.5 inch between columns.
PM.intColumnSpacing = 0.5 * 1440
LSet PrtMipString = PM ' Update property.
rpt.PrtMip = PrtMipString.strRGB
End Sub
The next PrtMip property example shows how to set all margins to 1 inch.
Sub SetMarginsToDefault(strName As String)
Dim PrtMipString As str_PRTMIP
Dim PM As type_PRTMIP
Dim rpt As Report
DoCmd.OpenReport strName, acDesign
Set rpt = Reports(strName)
PrtMipString.strRGB = rpt.PrtMip
LSet PM = PrtMipString
PM.intLeftMargin = 1 * 1440 ' Set margins.
PM.intTopMargin = 1 * 1440
PM.intRightMargin = 1 * 1440
PM.intBotMargin = 1 * 1440
LSet PrtMipString = PM ' Update property.
rpt.PrtMip = PrtMipString.strRGB
End Sub