RecordsetClone Property

RecordsetClone Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

You can use the RecordsetClone property to refer to a form's Recordset object specified by the form's RecordSource property.


The RecordsetClone property setting is a copy of the underlying query or table specified by the form's RecordSource property. If a form is based on a query, for example, referring to the RecordsetClone property is the equivalent of cloning a Recordset object by using the same query. If you then apply a filter to the form, the Recordset object reflects the filtering.

This property is available only by using Visual Basic and is read-only in all views.


You use the RecordsetClone property to navigate or operate on a form's records independent of the form itself. For example, you can use the RecordsetClone property when you want to use a method, such as the DAO Find methods, that can't be used with forms.

When a new Recordset object is opened, its first record is the current record. If you one of the Find method or one of the Move methods to make any other record in the Recordset object current, you must synchronize the current record in the Recordset object with the form's current record by assigning the value of the DAO Bookmark property to the form's Bookmark property.

You can use the RecordCount property to count the number of records in a Recordset object. The following example shows how you can combine the RecordCount property and the RecordsetClone property to count the records in a form:

MsgBox "My form contains " _
    & Forms!Orders.RecordsetClone.RecordCount _
    & " records.", vbInformation, "Record Count"

Note   If you close the form or if you change the form's RecordSource property, the Recordset object is no longer valid. If you subsequently refer to the Recordset object or to previously saved bookmarks in the form or the Recordset object, an error will occur.