SelLength, SelStart, SelText Properties

SelLength, SelStart, SelText Properties

See Also         Example         Applies To

You can use these properties for tasks such as positioning the insertion point, establishing an insertion range, selecting parts of strings in a text box or combo box control, and deleting text.


You can set the SelLength and SelStart properties by using a macro or Visual Basic. The SelText property is read-only.


To set or return these properties for a control, the control must have the focus. To move the focus to a control, use the SetFocus method.

Setting the SelLength property to a number less than 0 produces a run-time error.

Setting the SelStart property to a number greater than the number of characters in the control sets the property to the existing text length.

Changing the SelStart property cancels the selection, places an insertion point in the text, and sets the SelLength property to 0.