Zoom Property

Zoom Property

See Also                  Applies To

You can use the Zoom property to specify or determine the display state for a snapshot.


The Zoom property is an Integer value between 0 and 8 representing the display state for a snapshot page as a percentage of the actual page size.

Constant Description
snapZoomToFit (Default) Zooms to a full page display.
snapZoomToFill Zooms the page to fill the available space in the control.
snapZoom200Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 200%.
snapZoom150Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 150%.
snapZoom100Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 100%.
snapZoom75Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 75%.
snapZoom50Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 50%.
snapZoom25Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 25%.
snapZoom10Percent Zooms the page by a factor of 10%.

You can set the Zoom property by using the control's property sheet or Visual Basic.

If you set this property to an invalid value, an error occurs.


When the AllowContextMenu property is set to Yes, you can also specify the Zoom property from the control's pop-up menu.