Examples of hyperlink addresses

Examples of hyperlink addresses

The following table shows examples of hyperlink addresses. Note that URLs use slash marks and UNC paths use backslashes.

Hyperlink address Description
Microsoft Corporation#http://www.microsoft.com# The Microsoft home page on the Web. Displayed as "Microsoft Corporation."
#http://www.microsoft.com# The Microsoft home page on the Web.
#http://www.microsoft.com#sample# The Name tag called "sample" in the .html document for the Microsoft home page.
#\\northwind\public\products.doc##List of discounted products A Microsoft Word file called Products.doc in the public shared directory on the Northwind server. The ScreenTip is "List of discounted products."
Resume#c:\windows\personal \resume.doc# A Word file called Resume.doc located in the \Windows\Personal folder. Displayed as "Resume."
#c:\windows\personal\resume.doc# The Resume.doc file that is located in the \Windows\Personal folder. The path name will be displayed, because there’s no display text.
#c:\windows\personal\resume.doc#Qualifications The bookmark called "Qualifications" in the Resume.doc file.
#c:\windows\personal\ northwind.mdb#Form Suppliers The Suppliers form in the Northwind database, located in the \Windows\Personal folder.
Suppliers##Form Suppliers#Click to view and edit supplier information The Suppliers form in the current database. Displayed as "Suppliers," with the ScreenTip "Click to view and edit supplier information."
#c:\windows\personal\1996 Sales.ppt#13 Slide 13 in the 1996 Sales PowerPoint presentation in the \Windows\Personal folder.
#c:\windows\personal\budget. xls#Sheet1!A2 Cell A2 in Sheet1 of the budget.xls Excel file, located in the \Windows\Personal folder.

To make it easier to enter a hyperlink address, Microsoft Access allows you to omit certain parts of an address. For example: