About aggregate functions and other options in the query design grid's Total row

About aggregate functions and other options in the query design grid's Total row

Nine of the 12 options in the query design grid's Total row are aggregate functions. All but the First and Last functions are explained in the following table. For special considerations when using the First and Last functions, click The other three options in the list are explained in the second table.

Note   The aggregate functions won't include records containing blank (Null) values in their calculations. For example, the Count function returns a count of all the records without Null values. There is a way to count Null values, and you can convert Null values to zeroes so they are included in a calculation. For more information, click .


To find the
Use with these
field data types
Sum Total of the values in a field. Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber
Avg Average of the values in a field. Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber
Min Lowest value in a field. Text, Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber
Max Highest value in a field. Text, Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber
Count Number of values in a field, not counting Null (blank) values. Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency, AutoNumber, Yes/No, and OLE Object
StDev Standard deviation of the values in a field. Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber
Var Variance of the values in a field. Number, Date/Time, Currency, and AutoNumber

Select To
Group By Define the groups you want to perform the calculations for. For example, to show total sales by category, select Group By for the CategoryName field.
Expression Create a calculated field that includes an aggregate function in its expression. Usually, you create a calculated field when you want to use multiple functions in an expression.
Where Specify criteria for a field you aren't using to define groupings. If you select this option for a field, Microsoft Access will hide the field in the query results by clearing the Show check box.