Types of permissions

Types of permissions

The following table summarizes the permissions that you can assign.

Permission Permits a user to Applies to
Open/Run Open a database, form, or report, or run a macro. Databases, forms, reports, and macros
Open Exclusive Open a database with exclusive access. Databases
Read Design View objects in Design view Tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros
Modify Design View and change the design of objects, or delete them. Tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros
Administer For databases, set database password, replicate a database, and change startup properties.
For tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros, have full access to these objects and data, including ability to assign permissions.
Databases, tables, queries, forms, reports, and macros
Read Data View data. Tables and queries
Update Data View and modify but not insert or delete data. Tables and queries
Insert Data View and insert but not modify or delete data. Tables and queries
Delete Data View and delete but not modify or insert data. Tables and queries
