What's installed with Microsoft Access 2000

What's installed with Microsoft Access 2000

This topic provides reference information about which features are installed with Microsoft Access 2000 and where you can find these features in the installation program. These features are also installed by the Office 2000 installation program; they include Microsoft Access features as well as Office Tools, Converters, and Filters.

Installed (default)

Installed on first use (default)

Not installed (custom installation only)

Notes about features

Other programs in Microsoft Office 2000

Installed (default)

Feature Location in the installation program
Clip Gallery Office Tools; Clip Art
Core Support Files, International Support Office Tools; International Support
Encapsulated Postscript Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Find Fast Control Panel Office Tools
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Help for Microsoft Access Microsoft Access for Windows
Help for Microsoft Graph Office Tools; Microsoft Graph
JPEG Interchange Format Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Language Settings Tool Office Tools
Macintosh PICT Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Microsoft Access Program Files Microsoft Access for Windows
Microsoft Graph Office Tools
Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar Office Tools
MS Info Office Tools
Office Assistant (one Assistant) Office Tools; Office Assistant
Office Web Components Office Tools
Spelling Checker Office Tools; Proofing Tools
Tag Image File Format Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Typical Themes Office Tools; Themes
Typical Wizards
For a list of wizards, click .
Microsoft Access for Windows
Web Discussions Office Tools
Web Publishing Office Tools
Windows Metafile Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters

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Installed on first use (default)

Feature Location in the installation program
Additional Themes Office Tools; Themes
Additional Wizards
For a list of wizards, click .
Microsoft Access for Windows
Address Application Microsoft Access for Windows; Sample Databases
Bidirectional Support Office Tools; International Support
Client Server Visual Design Tools Microsoft Access for Windows
Computer Graphics Metafile Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Contact Application Microsoft Access for Windows; Sample Databases
CorelDRAW Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Database Replication Microsoft Access for Windows
Digital Signature for VBA projects Office Tools
Enhanced Metafile Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
FPX Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Household Inventory Microsoft Access for Windows; Sample Databases
Japanese Fonts Office Tools; International Support
Kodak Photo CD Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Korean Fonts Office Tools; International Support
Microsoft Query Office Tools
Northwind Database Microsoft Access for Windows; Sample Databases
Office Assistant (seven additional Assistants) Office Tools; Office Assistant
Organization Chart Office Tools
PC Paintbrush PCX Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
PNG File Format Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
Scanner and Camera Add-In Office Tools
Simplified Chinese Fonts Office Tools; International Support
Snapshot Viewer Microsoft Access for Windows
Traditional Chinese Fonts Office Tools; International Support
Visual Basic Help Office Tools
Web Scripting (Microsoft Script Editor) Office Tools; HTML Source Editing
Windows Bitmap Import Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters
WordPerfect Graphics Filters Converters and Filters; Graphic Filters

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Not installed (custom installation only)

Feature Location in the installation program
Calendar Control Microsoft Access for Windows
Equation Editor Office Tools
Extended Support Files, International Support Office Tools; International Support
Lotus VIM Mail Support Office Tools
Microsoft Photo Editor Office Tools
Northwind SQL Project File Microsoft Access for Windows; Sample Databases
Universal Font Office Tools; International Support

Note   The Calendar Control and the Northwind SQL Project File are not advertised in the user interface of Microsoft Access; you must run the Microsoft Office 2000 Setup program or Microsoft Access 2000 Setup program to install these features.

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Notes about features

After you have installed Microsoft Access 2000 or Microsoft Office 2000, the sample databases appear on the most recently used file list on the File menu, and on the list under Open An Existing File in the dialog box when you start Microsoft Access for the first time. However, as you begin to use your own files with Microsoft Access, the databases may no longer appear on these lists. Use the Microsoft Office 2000 Setup program or Microsoft Access 2000 Setup program to install one of the sample applications on your computer.

The Microsoft Access 2000 Setup program also installs Text Converters and additional Proofing Tools; most of these components are installed on first use and therefore do not consume a large amount of disk space. Although you can use these components with other Microsoft Office 2000 applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, they are not designed to be used directly with Microsoft Access.

If you do not use a custom installation, the Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Access 2000 Setup programs install Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. If you use a custom installation, you can choose not to install Microsoft Internet Explorer. However, you must install Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 if you want to use data access pages in Microsoft Access.

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Other programs in Microsoft Office 2000

Program and location in the
Custom dialog box of Setup
Installed with Typical Setup?
Microsoft Excel for Windows Yes
Microsoft Word for Windows Yes
Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows Yes
Microsoft Outlook for Windows Yes

Note   A typical setup of Microsoft Office 2000 Premium also installs Microsoft FrontPage for Windows.

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