This example opens the index.htm file when a web is opened.
Note This example uses Rogue Cellars as the specified web to be opened. You can create a web called Rogue Cellars or you can substitute a web of your choice.
Create a form called frmLaunchEvents.frm and add two buttons, a button called cmdOpenWeb,
and a button called cmdCancel
. Add the following code to the Declarations section of a form code window.
Option Explicit
Private WithEvents eFPApplication As Application
Private pPage As PageWindow
Add the following code to the UserForm_Initialize section of the code window.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set eFPApplication = New Application
End Sub
Add the following code to the cmdOpenWeb_Click section of the code window.
Private Sub cmdOpenWeb_Click()
webs.Open ("file:///C:/My Documents/My Webs/Rogue Cellars")
End Sub
Add the following code to the cmdCancel_Click section of the code window.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
'Hide the form.
Exit Sub
End Sub
Add the following code to the eFPApplication_OnWebOpen section of the code window.
Private Sub eFPApplication_OnWebOpen(ByVal pWeb As Web)
Dim myFile As WebFile
Set myFile = pWeb.RootFolder.Files.Add("index.htm")
End Sub