Add Method

See Also                 

Adds a new item to the specified collection. Items in a collection are automatically indexed starting with zero.

Note   Microsoft Office indexes collection items starting with one. For example, FrontPage provides an accessor for the CommandBars collection that is available for all Office products. When using the CommandBars property to return the CommandBars object, indexing starts at one because this property is accessing an Office object.

FrontPage provides the Add method objects as listed in the following table. For further information on the Add method objects shown, click the name of that object in the table.

Add Method Collection Description
NavigationNodes Adds a new NavigationNode object to the list of available items in the NavigationNodes collection.
PageWindows Adds a new PageWindow object to the list of available items in the PageWindows collection.
Properties Adds a new Property object to the list of available items in the Properties collection.
WebFiles Adds a new WebFile object to the list of available items in the WebFiles collection.
WebFolders Adds a new WebFolder object to the list of available items in the WebFolders collection.
Webs Adds a new Web object to the list of available items in the Webs collection.


Web administrators can set permissions that affect the use of the Add method. There are three categories of permissions: browsers, authors, and administrators. People who only browse the web are generally restricted from adding files to the WebFiles and PageWindows collections.