This example contains a function, ApplyThemeToFilesInFolder, and a procedure that you can modify to apply any of the available themes. This example applies the "Artsy" theme to all files in a specified folder.
Note To run this example, copy the following code into a module in the Visual Basic Editor and run the ChangeToArtsy procedure.
Function ApplyThemeToFilesInFolder(myThemeName As String, _
myFolderObject As WebFolder) As Boolean
Dim myFile As WebFile
Dim myTheme As Theme
On Error GoTo ERR
For Each myFile In myFolderObject.Files
Call myFile.ApplyTheme(myThemeName, fpThemePropertiesAll)
Next myFile
ApplyThemeToFilesInFolder = True
Exit Function
MsgBox "An error occured: " & ERR.Description, vbCritical, "Error!"
ApplyThemeToFilesInFolder = False
Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub ChangeToArtsy()
ApplyThemeToFilesInFolder "artsy", ActiveWeb.RootFolder
End Sub