Delete Method

See Also                  Applies To

Deletes the specified object. As opposed to removing an object (when using the RemoveWeb method) from a Microsoft FrontPage-based web. For example, in Navigation view in FrontPage, you can remove a page from a FrontPage-based Web site, but the page and its associated file still exist on the server or hard drive. When you use the Delete method to delete an object, that object ceases to exist. For more information on using the Delete method with other objects, click an item in the following table.

Object Description
NavigationNodes Deletes the specified navigation node from the list of available nodes in the NavigationNodes collection.
Properties Deletes the specified property from the list of available properties in the Properties collection for the Web, WebFile, or WebFolder objects.
Web Deletes the specified web
WebFile Deletes the specified file from the web.
WebFiles Deletes the specified file from the list of available files in the Files collection.
WebFolder Deletes the specified folder from the web.
WebFolders Deletes the specified folder from the list of available folders in the Folders collection.
Webs Deletes the specified web from the list of available webs in the Webs collection.