LocatePage Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Returns a PageWindow object for the specified object.


expression.PageWindow(String, ViewMode)

expression   An expression that returns an Application or Web object.

String   Required LocatePage. A string that represents the document or file portion of the entire URL. This can be any absolute URL, such as "http://web server/document", "http://web server/file", or "file://file system/document" or "file://file system/file" for disk-based webs. Default value is the file portion of the URL.

Note   The terms "document" and "file" refer to two different things. A document is an HTML file that can be read by FrontPage, while a file can be any type of file, local or external, and is not necessarily FrontPage-based.

ViewMode   Optional FpPageViewMode. Default value is fpPageViewDefault. For more information, and a table for FpPageViewMode constants, see the ViewMode property.

Return Type
