Move Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Moves the specified object to a designated location, which can be either a URL or a navigation node. During the move process for a URL location, you can choose to update hyperlinks or force a file overwrite if the specified object has the same name as the designated object.

Syntax 1: Moves the specified object from its current location to a designated URL.

Syntax 2: Moves a navigation node from one location to another in the navigation structure.

Syntax 1

expression.Move(DestinationUrl As String, UpdateLinks As Boolean, ForceOverwrite As Boolean)

expression   An expression that returns a File or Folder object.

DestinationUrl   Required String. The target URL, such as "C:\My Documents\My Webs\Adventure Works".

UpdateLinks   Required Long. Designate True if links are to be updated during the move process. Default is False.

ForceOverwrite   Required Long. Designate True if the object should be overwritten when a duplicate object is encountered. Default is False.

Return Type


Syntax 2

expression.Move(NodeCollection As NavigationNodes, [NewLeftSibling]) As Object)

expression   An expression that returns a NavigationNode object.

NodeCollection   Required NavigationNodes. The target navigation collection.

NewLeftSibling   Optional Object. The navigation node that will be the left sibling of the new node in the navigation structure. If it is not specified, the node will be moved to the rightmost end of the NodeCollection.

Return Type

NavigationNode (the node after it has been moved)