Publish Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Publishes a web to a Web server, whether on a server running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) or on a Personal Web Server.


expression.Publish(DestinationUrl As String, [PublishFlags As FpWebPublishFlags], [UserName As String],[Password As String])

expression   An expression that returns a Web object.

DestinationUrl   Required String. A string that contains the entire target URL for the web, such as “http://wwwroot/Adventure Works”. This can be any URL for a web, such as http://web server/folder or file://file system/folder for disk-based webs.

PublishFlags   Required Long. Publishing flag constants are enumerated as shown in the following table.

Constant Value
FpPublishNone 0
FpPublishIncremental 1
FpPublishAddToExistingWeb 2
FpPublishCopySubwebs 4

UserName   Optional Variant. The name of the user who is publishing the web.

Password   Optional Variant. The password of the user.

Return Type
