AnswerWizard Property Example

This example adds an Answer Wizard file, and retrieves the Creator and Count properties.

Note   The Creator property for FrontPage is different from the Creator property used by other Microsoft Office objects, such as the AnswerWizard object. The Creator property for FrontPage uses a string format, while Office objects use a 32-bit integer to identify the application that created the file. In this example, you'll note that the Creator property returns a 32-bit integer rather than the FrontPage string format because the AnswerWizard object is an Office ImsoDispObj object. For more information, use the Object Browser for all libraries or Microsoft Visual Basic Help to view more detailed information about the Creator property for Microsoft Office objects.

Private Sub GetAnswerWizardInfo()
Dim myAW As AnswerWizard
Dim myAWFiles As AnswerWizardFiles
Dim myAWCount As Integer
Dim myAWCreator As String

Set myAW = activeWeb.Application.AnwerWizard
Set myAW = myAW.Files

With myAWFiles
    myAWCreator = .Creator
    .Add ("myAWFile")
    myAWCount = .Count
End With
End Sub