Item Property

         Example         Applies To

Returns a single object from a collection based on the value of the Index argument. Read-only String.

Syntax 1: Returns the PropertyKey for the specified MetaTags or Properties collections.

Syntax 2: Returns the index number for the specified object. Can be one of the following NavigationNodes, PageWindows, Themes, WebFiles, WebFolders, Webs, or WebWindows collections.

Syntax 1

expression.Item(PropertyKey As String)

expression   An expression that returns a collection object.

PropertyKey   Required String. A string that contains an index number of the collection. The index starts at zero.

Syntax 2


expression   An expression that returns a collection object.

Index   Required Variant. Refers to an item in the collection. Can be any number corresponding to an item in the collection, with the index starting at zero.