ThemeProperties Property

See Also         Example         Applies To

Returns or sets the Theme object for the specified object. Read/write Object.



expression   An expression that returns a PageWindow, Web, or WebFile object.

PropertyIndex   Optional FpThemeProperties. Returns or sets the theme properties. Can be one of the following FpThemeProperties Type constants shown in the table. For more detailed information on the individual Type constants shown in the following table, see the tables and lists in the ApplyTheme method.

FpThemeProperties Type Value Description
fpThemeActiveGraphics 16 or &H10 Sets or returns the active graphics constant.
fpThemeBackgroundImage 1 Sets or returns a background image.
fpThemeCSS 4096 or &H1000 Sets or returns the cascading style sheet.
fpThemeDefaultSettings 16777216 or &H1000000 Returns the theme applied to the web.
fpThemeName 33554432 or &H2000000 Sets or returns the ThemeName constant.
fpThemeNoBackgroundImage 0 Sets or returns a background without an image.
fpThemeNoCSS 0 Sets or returns this property if a cascading style sheet has not been set or is not wanted.
fpThemeNormalColors 0 Sets or returns the color mode for normal color.
fpThemeNormalGraphics 0 Sets or returns the graphics mode for normal graphics.
fpThemePropertiesAll 4369 or &H1111 Sets or returns all of the theme properties. After a theme is applied to an object, the fpThemePropertiesAll property combines all of the properties applied to the object.
fpThemePropertiesNone 0 Sets or returns none for the theme properties.
fpThemeVivdColors 256 Sets or returns the vivid colors property.