Returns or sets the layout for all the charts in the specified chart workspace. Read/write ChartChartLayoutEnum.
Because the chart workspace can contain one or more charts, you can use both the ChartLayout and ChartWrapCount properties to specify how multiple charts are positioned. The ChartLayout property makes it possible to create custom chart arrangements, such as three charts positioned horizontally in a single row.
There are two distinct layout types for charts:
ChChartLayoutHorizontal Charts are positioned horizontally from left to right until the number of charts specified by the ChartWrapCount property is reached. When this occurs, a new row is created below the active row and the positioning process begins again at the left. This method continues (wrapping every ChartWrapCount number) until all charts have been placed.
ChChartLayoutVertical Charts are positioned vertically from top to bottom until the number of charts specified by the ChartWrapCount property is reached. When this occurs, a new column is created to the right of the active column and positioning begins again at the top. This method continues (wrapping every ChartWrapCount number of charts) until all charts have been placed.