The following example creates a new command bar button on the File menu of the host application that enables the user to save a workbook as a comma-separated value file. (This example works in all applications, but the context of saving as CSV is applicable to Microsoft Excel.)
Private HostApp As Object
Sub createAndSynch()
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim fBtnExists As Boolean
Dim obCmdBtn As Object
On Error GoTo errHandler
Set HostApp = Application
Dim barHelp As Office.CommandBar
Set barHelp = Application.CommandBars("File")
fBtnExists = False
iCount = barHelp.Controls.Count
For iIndex = 1 To iCount
If barHelp.Controls(iIndex).Caption = "Save As CSV (Comma Delimited)" Then fBtnExists = True
Dim btnSaveAsCSV As Office.CommandBarButton
If fBtnExists Then
Set btnSaveAsCSV = barHelp.Controls("Save As CSV (Comma Delimited)")
Set btnSaveAsCSV = barHelp.Controls.Add(msoControlButton)
btnSaveAsCSV.Caption = "Save As CSV (Comma Delimited)"
End If
btnSaveAsCSV.Tag = "btn1"
btnSaveAsCSVHandler.SyncButton btnSaveAsCSV
Exit Sub
' Insert error handling code here
End Sub
The preceding example relies on the following code, which is stored in a class module in the VBA project.
Private WithEvents ButtonClickEvent As Office.CommandBarButton
Private Sub ButtonClickEvent_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Office.CommandBarButton, _
CancelDefault As Boolean)
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "MyWorkbook.csv", xlCSV
CancelDefault = True
End Sub
Public Sub SyncButton(btn As Office.CommandBarButton)
Set ButtonClickEvent = btn
If Not btn Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Synced '" & btn.Caption & "' button events."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set ButtonClickEvent = Nothing
End Sub