Add Method (AnswerWizardFiles Collection Object) Example
This example prepares the AnswerWizard to accept a custom file list and adds two custom AnswerWizard files. First, the example clears the file list, and then it adds two custom AnswerWizard files and checks the file count and the file names to ensure that the files were added correctly.
Dim customAnswerWizard As AnswerWizard
Set customAnswerWizard = Application.AnswerWizard
customAnswerWizard.Files.Add ("c:\awfiles\")
customAnswerWizard.Files.Add ("c:\awfiles\")
If customAnswerWizard.Files.Count = 2 Then
MsgBox "Files " & customAnswerWizard.Files.Item(1) & _
" and " & customAnswerWizard.Files(2) & _
" were added sucessfully."
End If