This example moves the first combo box control from the custom command bar named "Custom" to the position before the seventh control on that command bar. The example sets the tag to "Selection box" and assigns the control a low priority so that it will likely be dropped from the command bar if all the controls don't fit in one row.
Set allcontrols = CommandBars("Custom").Controls
For Each ctrl In allControls
If ctrl.Type = msoControlComboBox Then
With ctrl
.Move Before:=7
.Tag = "Selection box"
.Priority = 5
End With
Exit For
End If
This example displays the Office Assistant in the specified location and sets several options before making it visible.
With Assistant
.Reduced = True
.Move xLeft:= 400, yTop:= 300
.MoveWhenInTheWay = True
.TipOfDay = True
.Visible = True
.Animation = msoAnimationGreeting
End With