Item Property (AnswerWizardFiles Collection Object) Example

This example resets the file list for the current AnswerWizard and displays both the file count and the file names in a message box, using the Item property to return the file names.

Dim customAnswerWizard As AnswerWizard
Dim strFileList As String
Dim intCounter As Integer
Dim intNumFiles As Integer

Set customAnswerWizard = Application.AnswerWizard
intCounter = 1

strFileList = ""
intNumFiles = customAnswerWizard.Files.Count
For intCounter = 1 To (intNumFiles)
    strFileList = strFileList & _
    customAnswerWizard.Files.Item(intCounter) & Chr(13)

MsgBox "There are " & customAnswerWizard.Files.Count & _
    " files avaialble through this AnswerWizard: " & _
    Chr(13) & strFileList