PublishForm Method

PublishForm Method

See Also         Example         Applies To

Saves the definition of the FormDescription object in the specified form registry (library).

Forms are registered as one of three classes: Folder, Organization, or Personal. The Folder form registry holds a set of forms that are only accessible from that specific folder, whether public or private. The Organization form registry holds forms that are shared across an entire enterprise and thus are accessible to everyone. The Personal form registry holds forms that are accessible only to the current store user.

Note The Name property must be set before you can use the PublishForm method.


objFormDescription.PublishForm(Registry, [Folder])

objFormDescription    Required. An expression that returns a FormDescription object.

Registry   Required Long. The form class. Can be one of the following OlFormRegistry constants: olDefaultRegistry(0), olFolderRegistry(3), olOrganizationRegistry(4), or olPersonalRegistry(2). Use olDefaultRegistry to handle items without regard to their form class.

Folder   Optional except with olFolderRegistry. Expression that returns a MAPIFolder object. Used only with Folder form registry. The folder object from which the forms must be accessed.