Additional Control Over the Explorer and Inspector

See Also

To make it easier to automate Microsoft Outlook 2000, the Outlook object model has been extended with a number of new objects, properties, events, and methods to give programs greater control over the Outlook user interface.

The Explorers and Inspectors collection objects give you access to any explorer or inspector window, while the NewExplorer and NewInspector events notify your program that a new explorer or inspector window has been opened.

New properties, methods, and events have been added to the Explorer and Inspector objects to let your program have greater control over the Outlook user interface.

You can control the Outlook Bar in the explorer window through new objects added to the Outlook object model. Using these objects and their properties, methods, and events, you can add groups and shortcuts to the Outlook Bar and remove them, and you can limit the user’s ability to navigate using the Outlook Bar.

Outlook also allows you to add custom property pages to the Outlook Options dialog box (available through the Tools menu of the explorer and inspector) and the folders Properties dialog box.